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Showing posts from July, 2013

Living On A Prayer

     As a child I knew I wasn't like the other kids. Crazy things always happened to me, mostly due to my awkward nature.       One of the most memorable situations of my life occurred in grade school. Many of us remember those horribly awkward years. Grade school can be a cruel and unusual time for some.       This was like any other day. I scrambled around the house, getting ready for school. I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt from the laundry basket, quickly got dressed, and headed out the door.       It was a pretty good day for the most part. I went to lunch, then headed back to class where we were doing small group reading. I sat on the floor with five of my classmates. We did our reading, answered the question sheet, and then our teacher rang the little bell on her desk, telling us to head back to our seats. I stood up with everyone else and that's when it happened. I looked at the floor and...

Beanie Weanies and Fluff

    Those of you who are pet people may understand the joys of owning a "fur baby". As a newly wed couple we followed the rule: plants, pets, people. If you own a plant and it doesn't die, you're good to own a pet. If the pet doesn't die, you're good to start having people (babies). I'm not very good with house plants but we thought we'd take a chance on the whole pet thing, in hopes that it would survive and we could move on to people,  AKA babies.     We got an adorable little beagle/dachshund mix, a Beanie weanie, if I may. We named him Hokie, seeing as how we are big Virginia Tech fans.      Trying to train a dog isn't the easiest thing in the world but we did our best. In an effort to house break our little dude, we went out on a limb and gave him the freedom he so deserved. It was going to be a long day and we just couldn't bear the thought of caging him for so many hours, so we let him roam free in the house.    ...