It was December 2006. I wasn't yet married and was sharing an apartment with my maid of honor. I was thrilled that she moved in with me. She brought friendship, kindness, and joy into my apartment. She covered half the rent and forced me to be organized, which was quite necessary. As she moved in, box after box was stacked up around her room, leaving only a small path from the door to her bed. Among the many things that she brought into our apartment, was a furry gray cat. Now listen. I'm allergic to cats. Up to this point I didn't quite care for them, but for my dear friend, I was willing to make things work. I would not only try to tolerate the cat but become friends with it and do whatever else cat people do. Christmas was quickly approaching and the wrapping of gifts had commenced. My room mate was down the street with family. So I put on my brand new pj's and proceeded ...
Smile. Giggle. Laugh