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Chinny Chin Chin's Cat-tastrophe

   Over the summer, we spent a couple of days with our good friends, Scotty and Kristen. It was truly a wonderful time. They have a son, E.,  who is just a little over a year or so older than my son. It was perfect. They made huge messes together, occupied one another, and it was just all around great for my son, who didn't get a lot of interaction with other children at that time. 
  They have the sweetest cat named Chin. You know cats and I don't get along very well but Chin is cool. He's different and special.  My son, never being around cats, was fascinated by Chin. 
  The second night that we were there, I was upstairs getting ready for bed when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
 "Nathanael's doing something bad!" Exclaimed E.  
"Go tell JD." I answered back.
  I listened carefully. I heard his little feet bop down the stairs, followed by his tiny concerned voice exclaiming, "Nathanael's being mean to Chin!" 
I could hear JD conversing with E. and Nathanael and after feeling that the situation was being resolved, I continued to get ready for bed. 
  Now, whenever I stay overnight with people, I try to be on my best behavior. I try to be polite and respectful.  I'm trying to teach my child that very same concept but as stated in a previous post,  "Whenever I get my awkwardness under control, I can always count on my son to carry the torch".
  After a few minutes, I walked out of the bathroom and headed down my friends' beautiful hardwood staircase. I stopped at the 3rd step from the bottom, where I was met with what appeared to be sand, dirt, rocks and big black clumps. My jaw dropped! I looked around the room for a potted plant, a bag of soil, anything that could have caused this mess. As I followed the trail of scattered clumps and sand, I gasped and repeatedly said,"Oh my goodness.....". I followed the trail through their carpeted dining room, under their table, around the corner toward their kitchen and came face to .... tub with Chin's litter box.
 Yup..... Apparently, when "Nathanael was being mean to Chin", Nathanael was throwing poor Chin's litter and droppings at him. 
 I was so embarrassed. Imagine having to inform your friends that your child showered their home with cat litter and poop. I have to say, Scotty and Kristen were so great about it. They got out the shop vac, and after a few rounds with the steam mop, everyone was giggling a little. 
  I will tell you that I did scrub my child down and secondly, I asked if he ate it. 
I know, it's gross, but it needed to be asked. 
  I am so thankful for the kind friends that God has given us. Friends so kind and understanding, that they smile and keep on loving you, even after your child goes poop slinging in their dining room. 

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32


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